
Alumax Inflatables

The stylish Alumax features a sport console for comfortable handling, plus ample seating and storage for guests and supplies. Built to the highest quality, this multipurpose Rigid Inflatable Boat is ideal for daily use. Whether the schedule includes fishing, snorkeling, sightseeing or cruising to the marina for supplies, the Alumax is always ready.
The dependable Alumax incorporates a lightweight aluminum hull, making it a versatile boat. It works well with smaller lifting davits, and is easy to drag onto the beach during day trips.
Its design enables the use of smaller outboards, for better fuel economy without sacrificing speed. Though lightweight, the Alumax's durable aluminum hull and stable platform empower owners to navigate along shorelines or shallow areas safely and with confidence.
ID: 6669

Alumax Inflatables Dealers:

International > North America > USA > No dealers listed.

See Oxxean at http://oxxeaninflatables.com/

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